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Tag Archives: renunciation
Four Pursuits of Human Life
I asked several students and professionals this question: “If I give you 10 lakh rupees to spend, how will you spend it?” I got several interesting answers: “Invest in stocks”, “Go on a vacation”, “Start a business”, “Give in charity”, … Continue reading
Desire, Happiness, Sorrow
There was a village. Like in any village, everyone knew everyone else in this village. There was a young couple, who were in love with each other. They wanted to meet privately. They decided to meet at ten in the … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged gita, happiness, hinduism, life, renunciation, spiritual, vedanta
The Religion of Man by Rabindranath Tagore
I recently read some parts of the book “The Religion of Man” by Rabindranath Tagore. He quotes extensively from the Upanishads and the folk songs of the Bauls. The book further reinforced my observation that Hinduism is nothing but Spiritual … Continue reading
Posted in book notes, hinduism, religion, vedanta
Tagged God, hinduism, life, philosophy, purpose, Rabindranath, religion, renunciation, spiritual, Tagore, upanisads, vedanta
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Which is freedom?
I love freedom. I want to wake up when I feel like and go to sleep when I feel like. I want to eat whatever I see, whenever I see and wherever I see something good and edible. I want … Continue reading
Posted in spiritual life
Tagged freedom, happiness, life, meditation, mind, moral, renunciation, spiritual, values, yoga
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The Joy of Spiritual Living
I wrote this for an E-Symposium conducted by Vedanta Kesari, a spiritual monthly magazine published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai. It is published in the December 2011 issue of the magazine. The Joy of Spiritual Living When I was … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism
Tagged advaita, bhakti, goal, God, hinduism, jivanmukti, jnana, liberation, life, philosophy, purpose, ramakrishna, religion, renunciation, sadhana, spiritual, vedanta, yoga
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