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Tag Archives: mind
Essentials of Spiritual Life
Here is a list of essentials of spiritual life for people who are really serious about it. Spiritual life is the sustainable and practical way to be happy, joyous, peaceful and resilient to the ups and downs of life. Stop … Continue reading
Posted in spiritual life
Tagged goal, happiness, karma, life, meditation, mind, purpose, sadhana, spiritual, values, yoga
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We all want to be happy. No creature wants to be unhappy. If asked when we want to be happy – morning, evening, Saturday, Sunday – we would surely say “Always”. If asked where we want to be happy – … Continue reading
Posted in advaita, hinduism, spiritual life
Tagged advaita, goal, happiness, hinduism, jivanmukti, jnana, liberation, mind, moksha, philosophy, purpose, vedanta
Which is freedom?
I love freedom. I want to wake up when I feel like and go to sleep when I feel like. I want to eat whatever I see, whenever I see and wherever I see something good and edible. I want … Continue reading
Posted in spiritual life
Tagged freedom, happiness, life, meditation, mind, moral, renunciation, spiritual, values, yoga
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Adhyaasa (superimposition) in Science and Advaita
We all perceive objects and beings with the senses, conceive ideas with the mind and we have an awareness of ourselves. Everything that we know and experience can be broadly brought under three – matter, mind and consciousness. A goal … Continue reading
Posted in advaita
Tagged adhyaasa, advaita, idealism, mind, monism, philosophy, realism, science, superimposition, truth, vedanta, western
Hinduism and Fatalism
One of the common misconceptions about Hinduism is that it advocates fatalism. Fatalism with respect to individuals is a philosophical doctrine that an individual does not have full control over the events that happen in his life. There are two … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism
Tagged dharma, fatalism, God, hinduism, karma, mind, philosophy, science