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Author Archives: gokulmuthu
I went on a pilgrimage with Swami Paramasukhananda (Anand Maharaj) of Ramakrishna Math, Ulsoor, along with nine other volunteers of the Math. It was an excellent trip. Here is the list of places visited: Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi – This … Continue reading
Life is like this only
There was a family outing from our office. There was an interesting game in the outing. Three pairs of people stood at the sides of the play area holding strings across the play area. The strings were about two feet … Continue reading
Happy Mothers Day
Today is Mothers Day. My pranams to all mothers of all ages – mothers who have born just today and to mothers who are more than a hundred years old. The Indian tradition is to consider all women as mothers. … Continue reading
Importance of right perspective
The importance of right perspective on life cannot be over emphasized. I am just returning from listening to the heart rending cries of a poor mother who has lost her ten year old daughter in an accident. Death is not … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged aim, evolution, goal, hinduism, identity, life, philosophy, purpose, religion, spiritual, vedanta
World as God
Here is an excerpt from the book “Towards the Goal Supreme” (also called “Paramartha Prasanga”) by Swami Virajananda. Paramartha Prasanga is really a great book. It is published in several languages by the different publishing houses of the Ramakrishna Order. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged advaita, bhakti, jivanmukti, jnana, life, renunciation, sadhana, spiritual, vedanta