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Tag Archives: purpose
Some Basic Wisdom
Here are some basic concepts that you should know. The stronger you assimilate these, the better your life will be. The references to some this knowledge are in the list of References given at the end. You are a valuable … Continue reading
Posted in self-help, spiritual life
Tagged happiness, life, philosophy, purpose, self-help, values
Driving and Life
There is a lot of similarity between driving in the traffic and leading life in the world. There are a lot of life-lessons that can be learnt from driving. The first thing that I need to remind myself while driving … Continue reading
Posted in spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged gita, life, philosophy, purpose, sadhana, spiritual, truth, upanisads
The Religion of Man by Rabindranath Tagore
I recently read some parts of the book “The Religion of Man” by Rabindranath Tagore. He quotes extensively from the Upanishads and the folk songs of the Bauls. The book further reinforced my observation that Hinduism is nothing but Spiritual … Continue reading
Posted in book notes, hinduism, religion, vedanta
Tagged God, hinduism, life, philosophy, purpose, Rabindranath, religion, renunciation, spiritual, Tagore, upanisads, vedanta
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Sri Ramakrishna
Today is Sri Ramakrishna’s Jayanti. It was the time when Indian tradition, culture, civilization, values, etc. were being challenged by Western education and ideas. India had been at the top of the Human Civilization – economically, scientifically, technologically, philosophically, socially, … Continue reading
Posted in advaita, culture, hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged bhakti, brahmacharya, celibacy, culture, india, life, purity, purpose, ramakrishna, spiritual, vivekananda
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Essentials of Spiritual Life
Here is a list of essentials of spiritual life for people who are really serious about it. Spiritual life is the sustainable and practical way to be happy, joyous, peaceful and resilient to the ups and downs of life. Stop … Continue reading
Posted in spiritual life
Tagged goal, happiness, karma, life, meditation, mind, purpose, sadhana, spiritual, values, yoga
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