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Tag Archives: purity
Sri Ramakrishna
Today is Sri Ramakrishna’s Jayanti. It was the time when Indian tradition, culture, civilization, values, etc. were being challenged by Western education and ideas. India had been at the top of the Human Civilization – economically, scientifically, technologically, philosophically, socially, … Continue reading
Posted in advaita, culture, hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged bhakti, brahmacharya, celibacy, culture, india, life, purity, purpose, ramakrishna, spiritual, vivekananda
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Monastic Rules for the Layman
(This article got published in the August 2012 issue of Vedanta Kesari, a monthly English journal published from Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.) All monastic orders of all religions follow the three cardinal rules – poverty, chastity and humility. These directly correspond … Continue reading
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Tagged celibacy, honesty, humility, kindness, life, meditation, monasticism, purity, sadhana, spiritual, truth
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An Outline of Hinduism
Here is an outline of Hinduism from the point of view of Advaita Vedanta. This article explains the name, the goal, the path, etc. Click here for the full article. Download article as PDF
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Tagged advaita, aim, bhakti, brahmacharya, celibacy, goal, God, happiness, hinduism, jivanmukti, jnana, karma, liberation, life, meditation, moksha, occult, purity, purpose, renunciation, sadhana, spiritual, truth, vedanta, yoga
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Maintaining purity of perception
This is the answer to a question on a mailing list. When you look at a person, learn to look upon the person not as a physical object but as a person with thoughts, emotions, hopes, disappointments, likes, dislikes, etc. … Continue reading
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Tagged brahmacharya, celibacy, life, mind, purity, sadhana, spiritual
How to overcome lust
A person had asked in a mailing list on how to overcome lust. Here is the reply I posted. You should understand that just like the appendix in the abdomen is a vestigial organ in the body, the sexual urge … Continue reading
Posted in book notes, Uncategorized
Tagged brahmacharya, celibacy, detachment, life, lust, mind, purity, renunciation, sadhana, spiritual, vedanta, yoga