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Tag Archives: happiness
Gita’s Way To A Life Without Sorrow
I have been asked to address a small group of people in Madurai on 12-12-2009. This is an outline of what I have thought of to tell them. Is it possible to lead a life without sorrow? Life without problems … Continue reading
An Outline of Hinduism
Here is an outline of Hinduism from the point of view of Advaita Vedanta. This article explains the name, the goal, the path, etc. Click here for the full article. Download article as PDF
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Tagged advaita, aim, bhakti, brahmacharya, celibacy, goal, God, happiness, hinduism, jivanmukti, jnana, karma, liberation, life, meditation, moksha, occult, purity, purpose, renunciation, sadhana, spiritual, truth, vedanta, yoga
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A Gist of Advaita Vedanta Philosophy
Philosophy is not for mere academic discussion. Philosophy is for living. Every moment of our life depends on the kind of model we have about the world and about ourselves. By getting clarity in the model, we can lead a … Continue reading
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Tagged advaita, gita, God, happiness, jivanmukti, liberation, life, moksha, spiritual, truth, vedanta, yoga
Why do good people suffer?
Recently in a mailing group, a person asked the age-old question: Why do good peoplesuffer, when apparently bad people seem to enjoy. One classic reply given by Indian philosophers is based on the Doctrine of Karma. Theysay that they are … Continue reading
Happiness, sorrow, desire, renunciation, duty, etc
Everyone wants to be happy and avoid sorrow.Happiness comes from a state of fulfilment.Sorrow is the result of a state of unfulfilment.Desire is the root cause of sorrow.Fulfilment of a desire results in temporary happiness.Soon another desire comes in and … Continue reading