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Author Archives: gokulmuthu
Jivanmukta and Karmaphala
On a mailing list a person has asked a question, “What happens to the Karma of a Jivanmukta? If a Jivanmukta has no ego, where does it go?” Here is the reply I wrote to him. You have mentioned that … Continue reading
Introduction to Bhagavad Gita
Bharat Churiwalaji the moderator of asked me to post a series on Gita into the mailing list. For the past 10 weeks, I had been working on the Introduction. Here is the complete introduction:… Please let me know … Continue reading
Destiny of a Flower
All flowers are born the same, But seldom are their destinies. Some flowers go to adore corpses, Some flowers go to add beauty to women. Some flowers are laid at the altar of God, But the best destiny of a … Continue reading
A person asked these questions on a mailing list: What is marriage? Some says it is the biggest gamble for one in his life! Others says marriages are made in heaven… which is true?Does ‘ horoscope matching ‘ play an … Continue reading
Bhakti and Jnaana
A spiritual seeker asked a question “How to unify Bhakti and Jnaana in life?” Here is an attempt to answer the question. First to start with, we have the example given by Sri Ramakrishna. “In the infinite ocean of Sat-Chit-Aananda, … Continue reading
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Tagged bhakti, gita, hinduism, jnana, life, spiritual, vedanta
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