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Tag Archives: bhakti
Six Aspects of Surrender
There is a beautiful verse by Sanaatan Goswami on six aspects of surrender. (Verse and meaning source) आनुकूलस्य सड्.कल्प प्रतिकूलस्य वर्जनम् रक्षिष्यतीति विश्वासो गोप्तृत्वे वरणं तथा। आत्मनिक्षेप कार्पण्ये षड्विधा शरणागति।। (हरि भक्तिविलास 11.676) ānukūlyasya saṅkalpaḥ pratikūlyasya varjanam rakṣhiṣhyatīti viśhvāso goptṛitve … Continue reading
What is Bhakti (devotion)?
There is a Supreme Being to whom this whole Universe is the physical body, all the life in the Universe is a manifestation of His life and all the minds of all beings is a manifestation of His mind. The … Continue reading
Three Stages of Bhakti of Bhagavad Gita and Nine Stages of Bhakti of Srimad Bhagavatam
In the article titled “Bhakti According to Bhagavad Gita” which was published in Dec 2015 issue of Vedanta Kesari, Bhakti was shown as four stages – Sakaama Bhakti, Nishkaama Bhakti, Vishwaroopa Ishvara Bhakti and Advaita Bhakti. Here, Nishkaama Bhakti and … Continue reading
Four Yogas in Bhagavad Gita
(An edited version of this article was published in the August 2017 issue of Vedanta Kesari, the monthly magazine published from Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.) Swami Vivekananda has highlighted four paths to reach the Ultimate Goal. His famous words reflect this: “Each … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged bhakti, gita, hinduism, jnana, karma, philosophy, sadhana, vedanta, vivekananda, yoga
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The Way of the Gita
The Gita is very clear that one has to put effort by these three: 1. Karma Yoga: work and offer the fruits of action to the Lord and then offer the action itself to Him, be even-minded in success and … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged aim, bhakti, gita, God, hinduism, jnana, karma, liberation, philosophy, religion, sadhana, vedanta, yoga
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