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Category Archives: vedanta
Interpretations and Implications of Sat-Cit-Ananda
This article was published in April 2024 issue of Prabuddha Bharata, a monthly journal of the Ramakrishna Order. The triad of Sat-Cit-Ananda is one of the important categories in Vedanta. It can be seen in the Upanishads, commentaries, and the … Continue reading
Dvaita, Vishishthaadvaita, and Advaita
Dvaita, Vishishthaadvaita, and Advaita are all correct. The difference is in the points of view. Sri Ramakrishna mentions Hanuman’s reply to Sri Rama’s question. “At one time Ramachandra asked Hanuman, his servant, ‘What is your attitude towards me? How do … Continue reading
Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga of Swami Vivekananda
The science of Râja-Yoga proposes to put before humanity a practical and scientifically worked out method of reaching this truth. … They [Yogis] ask us to take up the method and practice honestly, and then, if we do not find … Continue reading
Posted in advaita, hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged advaita, hinduism, meditation, philosophy, religion, sadhana, vedanta, vivekananda, yoga
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Six Aspects of Surrender
There is a beautiful verse by Sanaatan Goswami on six aspects of surrender. (Verse and meaning source) आनुकूलस्य सड्.कल्प प्रतिकूलस्य वर्जनम् रक्षिष्यतीति विश्वासो गोप्तृत्वे वरणं तथा। आत्मनिक्षेप कार्पण्ये षड्विधा शरणागति।। (हरि भक्तिविलास 11.676) ānukūlyasya saṅkalpaḥ pratikūlyasya varjanam rakṣhiṣhyatīti viśhvāso goptṛitve … Continue reading
Purpose of Life – A Perspective Based on Evolution
This material Universe began with the Big Bang more than thirteen and a half billion years ago. The Universe evolved from a mass of energy to subatomic particles. It took more than a hundred million years for the Universe to … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged evolution, gita, goal, hinduism, liberation, life, moksha, spiritual, vedanta