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Author Archives: gokulmuthu
The Goal and the Way
Everyone wants Security, Happiness and Peace. People try to achieve these goals through Artha, Kaama and Dharma. Food, house, bank balance, medical facilities, insurance, etc are all sought after aiming for security. All luxuries, music, fine arts, racing, exotic cusine, … Continue reading
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Tagged goal, jivanmukti, jnani, liberation, life, moksha, sadhana, spiritual
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What is Maya?
Maya is not a fictitious theory. Maya is just a name given to a natural phenomenon. It occurs when we try to analyze and understand the concept of infinity in any field. Let us consider mathematics. We have the numbers … Continue reading
In Quest Of Reality
Model 1 There are some scientific theories that are being proposed that this world is primarily physical. They say that all mental processes and even the feeling of ‘I’ are the result of chemical and electrical activity in the brain. … Continue reading
Satyam Shivam Sundaram
The concept of Satyam (Truth), Shivam (Goodness) and Sundaram (Beauty) is one of the most wonderful ones in Indian Philosophy. In three words, this gives a wonderful philosophy of life for people of diverse pursuits. Life is expressing and experiencing. … Continue reading
aatmano mokshaartham jagat hitaaya cha
Swami Vivekananda set the motto of Ramakrishna Math and Mission as “aatmano mokshaartham jagat hitaaya cha”, which means “For one’s own liberation and the world’s welfare”. This is a very wonderful concept. These words can be understood from two stand … Continue reading