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Author Archives: gokulmuthu
The East and the West
For the past few weeks I was trying to understand the approach to the Truth by Western Philosophy and Science. I am far from getting a good grasp of the number of ‘ism’s of Western Philosophy. I thought I will … Continue reading
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Tagged advaita, goal, philosophy, purpose, truth, vedanta, western
Seeing God Everywhere
(An edited version of this article was published in the June 2019 issue of Vedanta Kesari, the monthly magazine published from Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.) There is a nice story in the book “Hindu Symbology and Other Essays” by Swami Swahanandaji … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged advaita, gita, God, hinduism, jnana, mind, spiritual, vedanta, vivekananda
What is Moksha?
Swami Paramarthanandaji is in Bangalore for a week giving a series of evening talks on Bhagavad Gita 7th Chapter. The topic of the 7th chapter is to see the world as God, and thus be free from raaga and dvesha … Continue reading
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Tagged aim, gita, God, jivanmukti, liberation, life, moksha, spiritual, vedanta
Selected Verses From Gita
For the annual Summer Camp at Ramakrishna Math, Ulsoor, I prepared a small selection of verses from the Gita covering some dhyaana slokaas, karma yoga, bhakti yoga and stitaprajna lakshana. You can find the PDF file here. Download article as … Continue reading
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Tagged bhakti, gita, God, jivanmukti, karma, liberation, life, moksha, spiritual, vedanta, yoga
Mission Statement
I was reading a blog on the Purpose of Life at I was thinking what I consider as the purpose of my life. The best way I can put into words the purpose of my life is the motto … Continue reading
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Tagged aim, goal, happiness, identity, liberation, life, moksha, purpose, spiritual, truth, values, vedanta, vivekananda, yoga