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Author Archives: gokulmuthu
Driving as Sadhana
Driving my scooter in traffic has been a very edifying experience. The traffic rules are the basic dharma system that I can test myself on. When there is a red light I need to wait. Often when signal has just … Continue reading
Psychology Question
I watched a movie Uninvited yesterday. I have seen or read about a lot of movies about psychopathic killers. I have also read about other minor psychological disorders like habitual stealing (kleptomaniac) and compulsive lying, which all come under obsessive … Continue reading
Interpretation of Indian Tricolor Flag
When I was in school, I learnt the implication of the Indian flag. The Saffron indicates renunciation, the White indicates purity of life and the Green indicates prosperity. Interestingly, these three map to the four purushaarthaas of four goals of … Continue reading
Speech by Sri Aurobindo
The Bengal National College was started in 1906 by a group of freedom fighters. Sri Aurobindo was its Principal. In 1907, Aurobindo was arrested under a sedition law to curb the spread and impact of Bande Mataram. While taking leave … Continue reading
Gödel's God
A friend referred me to a Wikipedia page where Kurt Godel has claimed to have proven that God exists.ödel’s_ontological_proof The proof says 1. Existence is a positive property in all worlds. 2. God of a world is defined as … Continue reading