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Author Archives: gokulmuthu
Basic Difference
Materialism and Advaita are poles apart. Materialism says physical matter (including energy) is the fundamental substance in this world. Materialism says I am a temporary conglomerate of matter. Materialism says thoughts are the product of chemical and electrical changes happening … Continue reading
Materialism vs Spiritualism
Many people who proclaim to be materialists are actually spiritual if the surface of their logic is scratched a bit. Materialism can be defined as the position that there exists nothing but matter. Physical matter (including field, energy, etc) is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged advaita, hinduism, life, philosophy, purpose, religion, spiritual, truth, vedanta
Circle of Life
My wife is very interested in gardening. She has all kinds of flowering plants around the house. I love hibiscuses. She has several varieties of hibiscuses of different shapes, colors and sizes. I always wonder at the magic of water, … Continue reading
Consumer vs Contributor
Happy New Year !!! I got a lot of greetings on all possible communication media like email, SMS, facebook, etc. The most popular greeting was “Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year”. In fact, I too wished a few … Continue reading
Monastic Rules for the Layman
(This article got published in the August 2012 issue of Vedanta Kesari, a monthly English journal published from Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.) All monastic orders of all religions follow the three cardinal rules – poverty, chastity and humility. These directly correspond … Continue reading
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Tagged celibacy, honesty, humility, kindness, life, meditation, monasticism, purity, sadhana, spiritual, truth
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