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Author Archives: gokulmuthu
Adhyaasa (superimposition) in Science and Advaita
We all perceive objects and beings with the senses, conceive ideas with the mind and we have an awareness of ourselves. Everything that we know and experience can be broadly brought under three – matter, mind and consciousness. A goal … Continue reading
Posted in advaita
Tagged adhyaasa, advaita, idealism, mind, monism, philosophy, realism, science, superimposition, truth, vedanta, western
Hinduism and Fatalism
One of the common misconceptions about Hinduism is that it advocates fatalism. Fatalism with respect to individuals is a philosophical doctrine that an individual does not have full control over the events that happen in his life. There are two … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism
Tagged dharma, fatalism, God, hinduism, karma, mind, philosophy, science
Swami Chinmayananda – The Three Principles
The Three Principles By Swami Chinmayananda To realize our full spiritual Nature is to experience the fullness of life. As long as we have not attained this state of being, our intellect will continue to suggest methods for overcoming feelings of imperfection, … Continue reading
Posted in book notes, hinduism
Tagged ahimsa, brahmacharya, chinmayananda, goal, hinduism, life, philosophy, religion, renunciation, sadhana, truth
Purpose of Life – Be Happy and Help Others.
If we ask different people of what the purpose of their life is, they will reply different things. If we analyze the answers, they can be generalized as “Be happy and help others”. This is what Swami Vivekananda elaborated as … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged aim, goal, happiness, jivanmukti, liberation, life, philosophy, purpose, religion, vedanta, vivekananda
Attitudes Towards Work
An edited version of this article was published in the March 2013 issue of Vedanta Kesari, A cultural and spiritual monthly of the Ramakrishna Order. Work is something which I am constantly engaged in. Work is the way by which … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged God, karma, life, spiritual, vedanta, yoga