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Tag Archives: philosophy
Complexity of Hinduism
(This paper was presented at International Conference on Communal Harmony & Nation Building at Benaras Hindu University, on 15-16 June 2015. The Conference was jointly organized by Department of Political Sciences, BHU and Islamic Students Organization.) Understanding the Complexity and Dynamism of Hinduism … Continue reading
Posted in culture, hinduism, religion
Tagged hinduism, india, philosophy, religion, vedanta, vivekananda, yoga
Morning Prayer
Praata-smaranam This morning prayer comprising three verses in which the mind, speech, and body of the devotee are directed to the Absolute. The first thoughts, words and actions of everyday exert a great influence on the daily life of a devotee. … Continue reading
Posted in advaita, hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged advaita, God, hinduism, jnana, philosophy, sadhana, spiritual, vedanta
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Spirituality and Scientific Temperament
(This article was published in the December 2014 issue of Vedanta Kesari, the spiritual and cultural monthly in English published from Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai .) Many youth of today are very hesitant to identify themselves as religious but do not mind … Continue reading
Posted in culture, hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged dharma, goal, God, hinduism, philosophy, religion, science, spiritual, vedanta
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Satyam Jnaanam Anantam Brahma
Satyam Jnaanam Anantam Brahma (Taittiriya Upanishad 2.1.1) The Vedas declare that reality (Brahman) is pure Existence (Sat or Satyam), Consciousness (Cit or Jnaanam) and Infinite (Aananda or Anantam). Here is a way to understand this, based on traditional centuries old … Continue reading
Posted in advaita, hinduism, vedanta
Tagged advaita, God, hinduism, philosophy, upanisads, vedanta
Ten Tenets of Hinduism
Hinduism is perhaps the least propagated among its own followers. When there is a fairly common opinion among Hindus about who their saints and leaders are, and which their scriptures are, there is very less understanding of the formal definitions … Continue reading