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Tag Archives: philosophy
(An Excerpt from “Talks and Essays of Swami Dayananda”) When unfolding the Sastra , Swami Pujya Swamiji makes the examples come alive with his inimitable style and wit and brings the points home with uncanny precision. Swamiji says “Examples have … Continue reading
Posted in advaita, hinduism, religion, vedanta
Tagged advaita, hinduism, philosophy, vedanta
I am a Hindu
I am not secular. I am a Hindu. That implies that I am a religious pluralist and a spiritual humanist. Religious pluralism: Every religion is based on beliefs that are non-verifiable. So the parts of any belief system that are … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, religion, vedanta
Tagged God, hinduism, philosophy, religion, vedanta
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Quotes from Dr.Radhakrishnan’s "Hindu View of Life"
The book “Hindu View of Life” is the transcript of a series of lectures given in 1926 at Manchester College, Oxford. The second chapter of the book: “Conflict of Religions: The Hindu Attitude” is a must-read for all Hindus and non-Hindus. It will … Continue reading
Posted in book notes, culture, hinduism, religion, vedanta
Tagged God, hinduism, life, philosophy, radhakrishnan, spiritual, vedanta
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Inspiring Quotes from Swami Vivekananda
Here are some inspiring quotes from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. References are given for further pursuit. Strength We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. … Continue reading
Posted in culture, hinduism, vedanta
Tagged hinduism, india, life, philosophy, religion, spiritual, vedanta, vivekananda
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Karma and Surrender
A friend recently asked, “Isn’t it unfair to free a person from karma if he surrenders to God, as Krishna mentions in the Gita 18.66?” Here is the answer. Every action creates an consequence that has to be faced sooner or … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged gita, God, hinduism, identity, jivanmukti, liberation, philosophy, religion, sadhana, spiritual, vedanta
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