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Tag Archives: philosophy
Two Attitudes
tvameva maataa ca pitaa tvameva tvameva bandhu sca sakhaa tvameva tvameva vidyaa dravinam tvameva tvameva sarvam mama deva devaa This is a popular Hindu prayer, which is Universal like most Hindu prayers. A self-centered worldly man thinks that his mother, father, … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged bhakti, goal, God, hinduism, jivanmukti, liberation, life, moksha, philosophy, religion, sadhana, spiritual, vedanta
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Swami Vivekananda – The Key Thinker of Modern India
(This article was published in the Oct-Dec 2015 issue (number 17.2) of “Dialogue”, the quarterly magazine of Astha Bharati, Delhi, an organization to promote National Unity and Integrity.) Need of the Hour Indian thought is unique in the world. It … Continue reading
Posted in culture, hinduism, religion
Tagged hinduism, india, philosophy, society, vivekananda
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All is One
(An edited version of this article was published in the March 2017 issue of Vedanta Kesari, the monthly magazine published from Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.) “There exists only One, and not two. It is Satchidananda alone that has taken all these various … Continue reading
The Religion of Man by Rabindranath Tagore
I recently read some parts of the book “The Religion of Man” by Rabindranath Tagore. He quotes extensively from the Upanishads and the folk songs of the Bauls. The book further reinforced my observation that Hinduism is nothing but Spiritual … Continue reading
Posted in book notes, hinduism, religion, vedanta
Tagged God, hinduism, life, philosophy, purpose, Rabindranath, religion, renunciation, spiritual, Tagore, upanisads, vedanta
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Introduction to Hinduism
I had prepared a screencast video introducing Hinduism to Hindus and others. You can access the video here. Here is the text from the video: The name Hinduism gets its name from the river Sindhu (Indus). Persians called the people, … Continue reading