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Tag Archives: philosophy
Indian Creation Theories
Indian philosophy and religion are very diverse and comprehensive. They never provide a “one size fits everyone” solution to any concept. They provide a full spectrum of options and possibilities for people with various temperaments. Theory of Creation is no … Continue reading
Four Yogas in Bhagavad Gita
(An edited version of this article was published in the August 2017 issue of Vedanta Kesari, the monthly magazine published from Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.) Swami Vivekananda has highlighted four paths to reach the Ultimate Goal. His famous words reflect this: “Each … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged bhakti, gita, hinduism, jnana, karma, philosophy, sadhana, vedanta, vivekananda, yoga
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The Way of the Gita
The Gita is very clear that one has to put effort by these three: 1. Karma Yoga: work and offer the fruits of action to the Lord and then offer the action itself to Him, be even-minded in success and … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, religion, spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged aim, bhakti, gita, God, hinduism, jnana, karma, liberation, philosophy, religion, sadhana, vedanta, yoga
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Hinduism in support of diversity of religions
I recently read this in the book “Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna”, which contains recordings of conversations with Sri Ramakrishna, the Guru of Swami Vivekananda. This gives the Hindu point of view, which can be seen in all the teaching of … Continue reading
Posted in hinduism, religion
Tagged God, hinduism, philosophy, ramakrishna, religion
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Driving and Life
There is a lot of similarity between driving in the traffic and leading life in the world. There are a lot of life-lessons that can be learnt from driving. The first thing that I need to remind myself while driving … Continue reading
Posted in spiritual life, vedanta
Tagged gita, life, philosophy, purpose, sadhana, spiritual, truth, upanisads