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Tag Archives: identity
Importance of right perspective
The importance of right perspective on life cannot be over emphasized. I am just returning from listening to the heart rending cries of a poor mother who has lost her ten year old daughter in an accident. Death is not … Continue reading
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Tagged aim, evolution, goal, hinduism, identity, life, philosophy, purpose, religion, spiritual, vedanta
Spiritual Life
Recently a friend asked me these questions on Facebook: * What do people mean by spirituality and what is the goal of spiritual life? * If a person honestly tries to seek spiritual knowledge for a prolonged period of time … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged goal, happiness, hinduism, identity, life, religion, spiritual, vedanta
Mission Statement
I was reading a blog on the Purpose of Life at I was thinking what I consider as the purpose of my life. The best way I can put into words the purpose of my life is the motto … Continue reading
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Tagged aim, goal, happiness, identity, liberation, life, moksha, purpose, spiritual, truth, values, vedanta, vivekananda, yoga
Avatar Movie
I saw the Avatar movie a few days back. Beautiful concepts were presented in the movie. After seeing the huge robot being operated by a man sitting inside it, after the movie I felt like my body was a robot … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged avatar, evolution, identity, life, movie, spiritual, values
Science, Religion and Philosophy
Science tries to explain the reality around us and has been seeking to find the basic building block of the universe. Different religions in the world give their own models of the world, which are often conflicting with each other. … Continue reading
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Tagged advaita, goal, God, hinduism, identity, jivanmukti, jnana, liberation, life, mind, moksha, occult, philosophy, purpose, religion, science, spiritual, truth, vedanta, yoga
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