Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda

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10 Responses to Swami Vivekananda

  1. sankhdip says:

    I am sufferer of drudgery. Every morning is boring same day, same office, same face of boss, same colleague, same food, same station, same train, same crowd. How to think that typing, making report etc are doing for God. Company is making profit out of it and giving salary in return.

    I think let job be in its position, and concentrating particularly on spirituality. By any means i am sticking to office till 6 pm and trying to devote free time for spirituality. There is no need to think about promotion, increment, but growing spiritually is important.

    • chandra says:

      Dear Bro Sankhdip,

      I am too have similar problem like then my spiritual mentor asked me read the book “Karma Yoga” (Swamiji lectures on a book on this topic) . I read and still reading. Not just reading but deep thinking too needed to understand in correct perspective.Hope that the same suggestion will help you. Not only that there is many good article on Karma Yoga in this website too.
      Thanks for sharing your thought.

  2. Chandra sekar says:

    Dear Gokul,
    Another useful post on right time. Swamij’s Birth anniversary. Thanks a lot. Like many article or this article too, I wish(want) to print and read. Usually copy & paste into Word doc. Is it better to have Print option or save as PDF option. similar
    WP options. ??

    -Om Sat Tat

  3. R.ganesan says:

    your suggestion to remove drudgery from our life is a great idea. You have also suggested many ways of implementing it in our life. But on the practical plan, is it as simple as that. I have been an avid reader of religious literature for most part of my life. I am also sincere in my efforts to remove drudgery from my mind. when I take stock of myself now ( I am sixty ) I feel a sense of sadness. I am (at least on my perception) in the same level where I was in my young age.
    I am not contradicting your point of view. But you should add a statutory warning that the effect will not be the same for everyone. It all depends on the backlog of karmic effects, we have accumulated over so many births. we should keep on keeping on, without loosing heart.

    • gokulmuthu says:

      Dear Ganesanji,

      The easiest way to remove drudgery is to bring the Lord into your life. Do everything as an offering to Him. Accept everything as prasada from Him. Make sure that in life you always give more than you take. Do not take material achievements or lapses seriously. Recollect the blessings in your life. Ignore the deprivations.

      Reading alone is not sufficient. Puja everyday in the morning and japa as much as possible during the entire waking hours are required.

      Take cheer. Put all the burden on the Lord. He is the one running the world. Not you. If something succeeds, it is His will. If something fails, it is His will. Your job is only to do your duty to the best of your ability as an offering to Him. He does not need your help to run the world. But it is your privilege to do your duty. Do whatever you do cheerfully. Life is just a game with the Lord. There is nothing else in life. There is no one else in life. Forget about birth, death, youth, old age, samsara, moksha, etc. Be free. Just play the game of life with the Lord. Enjoy every moment of the game. Winning or losing does not matter. Enjoy playing.

      With regards,

  4. Vignesh says:

    Dear Gokul,
    I spend 9 hrs in office. i dont work all 9 hrs..Many days go without doing anything as my job is like that ..I have to work based on demand. Definitely i cant feel like home in the office. My movements and actions are restricted. I cant be browsing all time irrelevant to my work. How to “live in the now ” without actually doing anything?

    • gokulmuthu says:

      Dear Vignesh,

      Learn something technical which is relevant to your current work, or something anticipated in the future in your office. You can prepare yourself to be able to better serve your office.

      If you cannot identify something technical, you can learn something non-technical. For example, you can learn about developing leadership qualities. You can ask your manager/lead for some topics about which you can learn and present to others in the office, so that it will be useful to everyone.

      The bottom line is that you should give more than you take.

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