What is Moksha?

Swami Paramarthanandaji is in Bangalore for a week giving a series of evening talks on Bhagavad Gita 7th Chapter. The topic of the 7th chapter is to see the world as God, and thus be free from raaga and dvesha (attachment and aversion). During the introduction to the series, Swamiji pointed out that trying to get away from the world soon and making sure not to come back again is not Moksha. That is a very negative attitude towards life. Divinisation of everyday life by seeing the world as a manifestation of God and thus to be free from all psychological defects like attachment, anger, greed, anxiety, worry, depression, jealousy, etc. is Moksha. Moksha is not running away from life here and hereafter. It is embracing life with a positive outlook. Moksha is freedom from all negative attitudes.

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8 Responses to What is Moksha?

  1. Utpal Chakrabarty says:

    This seems like a logic that defeats not only itself but even Sri Ramakrishna

    • gokulmuthu says:

      Dear Utpalji,

      I don’t see any conflict between what is presented and the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swamiji.

      1. Moksha is not to get away from the world. It is to get away from worldliness. Worldliness is depending on the world for security, peace and happiness. Swamiji himself wanted to be in Nirvikalpa samadhi for the rest of his life, for which Sri Ramakrishna rebuked him. As Sri Ramakrishna used to say “Be in the world, but do not be of it.”

      2. Desire is the cause of bondage and rebirth. Holy Mother says “This moment if you are free from all desires, you are free.” Thousands of people have attained it. It is not a distant unattainable dream. It is “hasta amalaka” – like a fruit in one’s hand. The mental block that it is not attainable is a big obstacle.

      3. Divinisation of everyday life happens naturally for a person who has attained moksha. The aspirant has to do it by effort.

      4. Yes. Moksha has to be attained soon. Maximum effort has to be put in for that. There is no doubt about that. Anything good has to be strived for now. After knowing that it is the best thing, it is foolish to postpone attaining it.

      5. Yes. Desire for moksha is not a desire. It like a thorn used to pull out another thorn.

      With regards,

  2. Utpal Chakrabarty says:

    This seems like a logic that defeats not only itself but even Sri Ramakrishna’s preaching as follows:
    1. Moksha is to get away from the world. Those who do not seek Moksha would not be listening to the Swami’s preaching
    2. No one can make sure not to come back. One can only wish it.
    3. Divinisation of everyday life etc. can happen only after one has attained Mokshna
    4. Sri Ramakrishna inspires His devotees to put in as much effort as possible to achieve Mokhsa soon.
    5. Sri Ramakrishna says desire for Moksha is not a “desire”

    • gokulmuthu says:

      Dear Utpalji,
      I don’t see any conflict between what is presented and the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swamiji.
      1. Moksha is not to get away from the world. It is to get away from worldliness. Worldliness is depending on the world for security, peace and happiness. Swamiji himself wanted to be in Nirvikalpa samadhi for the rest of his life, for which Sri Ramakrishna rebuked him. As Sri Ramakrishna used to say “Be in the world, but do not be of it.”
      2. Desire is the cause of bondage and rebirth. Holy Mother says “This moment if you are free from all desires, you are free.” Thousands of people have attained it. It is not a distant unattainable dream. It is “hasta amalaka” – like a fruit in one’s hand. The mental block that it is not attainable is a big obstacle.
      3. Divinisation of everyday life happens naturally for a person who has attained moksha. The aspirant has to do it by effort.
      4. Yes. Moksha has to be attained soon. Maximum effort has to be put in for that. There is no doubt about that. Anything good has to be strived for now. After knowing that it is the best thing, it is foolish to postpone attaining it.
      5. Yes. Desire for moksha is not a desire. It like a thorn used to pull out another thorn.
      With regards,

  3. CS says:

    how do I make it available to my parents ? they understand only Hindi !

    • Utpal Chakrabarty says:

      But you do and you speak Hindi CS! You can make it “available” to your parents but it is possible that they already know it. Not knowing English does not mean not knowing the Truth.

  4. CS says:

    how do I make it available to my parents ? they understand only Hindi !

    • Utpal Chakrabarty says:

      But you do and you speak Hindi CS! You can make it “available” to your parents but it is possible that they already know it. Not knowing English does not mean not knowing the Truth.

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